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A new initiative to encourage voters to select only #conservative political candidates who uphold those values, #NoMorein16!, will start on Monday, March 23rd. Spearheaded by Texas-based Tea Party activist Phillip Dennis and the conservative blogosphere, #NoMorein16 is a message to fellow Republican voters who would consider voting for Jeb Bush or other non-conservative GOP Presidential candidates.

“I’ve been mad at the Republicans for a long time,” says Dennis. “Republicans [in the U.S. House of Representatives] vote conservative when it’s safe to do so. Behind closed doors, you’re going to see them raise the debt limit, support cromnibus, and amnesty, so that’s where this idea came from.

I’m not going to vote for a Romney or a McCain…they no longer get my vote by virtue of not being Democrat!” explains Dennis. “We have another party that‘s just a little less socialist than the other. When’s the last time you heard the Republicans really talk about repealing Obama Care?

Dennis goes on to explain that there are too many faux Republicans in elected office. “There’s a lot of Republicans tired of voting… (CLICK TO CONTINUE READING AT POLITICHICKS.COM)

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