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Breaking News Please CALL!

Dr. Gina Listeners: Please encourage your Senators to vote NOT to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” that protects our Military from discrimination, bullying, and other forms of harassment and distraction. *See article above this for more information, but use #’s below for your calls.

From Illinois Tea Party:

FYI – To give you timeframe for most of the votes that will happen in the next 48 hours. Please distribute! We stopped the Omnibus due to nonstop phone calls. If you can’t through to DC, absolutely call Congressional offices! PHONE NUMBERS & FAX LISTED BELOW

Today In Washington – It’s Laundry List Time

THE HOUSE: Convened at 9. Action is almost certain on a defense policy bill stripped of many controversial provisions, such as a repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” And with the Senate having given up on its omnibus spending bill, the House could vote on a short-term measure to keep the government running until February. The timing is up in the air, but it’s expected that the Senate would vote first on such a bill.

THE SENATE: Convened at 9:30 to continue debate on the New Start arms agreement with Russia. Democratic leaders are waiting for Republicans to offer amendments. The GOP says it merely wants a full debate on the accord; Democrats say Republicans are trying to sink it by running out the clock.
Reid has the power to switch from the treaty to regular legislation, and he might do that to take up a stopgap spending bill. The Senate could also work on the defense bill today if the House finishes with it.

THE WHITE HOUSE: The president will sign the tax cut bill shortly before 4. Prior to that, he’ll spend the afternoon talking to labor leaders including the AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka, the American Federation of Teachers’ Randi Weingarten, AFSCME’s Gerald McEntee, SEIU’s Mary Kay Henry and the United Auto Workers’ Bob King.

MOVING ALONG: Senate Democrats can still push some legislative buttons while Republicans essentially slow-walk the New Start treaty. Reid filed for cloture yesterday on a stand-alone repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” as well as the so-called Dream Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of adult children of illegal immigrants.

Votes on those two motions are set for Saturday. “The path is clear to finishing our work relatively soon,” Reid said this morning. But he offered a caveat: “We will work every day until our work is done.”

A repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” was hitched to the annual defense policy bill, but that measure was pared this week to its core. It would authorize $725 billion in Pentagon spending for the coming year. One controversial item did stick around: a provision that would allow the U.S. government to pay reparations to the families of Guam residents subjected to atrocities during the Japanese occupation in World War II.

Also in the Senate mix is a bill to boost health services for Sept. 11 first-responders. A few Republicans have hinted that they might support the measure once the tax and spending bills are wrapped up — and a few would be enough for passage.

OMNIBUS DOWN: Beyond all the noise about Republicans rebuffing the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, Congress still has to think about funding the government in the short term. The money runs out by Monday, and the Democratic leadership is scrambling to put a stopgap funding measure in place. It’ll probably be something that runs into early next year — when the GOP will have more power to tinker with fiscal decisions.

Potential speed bumps for a short-term spending bill, or CR, include the pressure to adorn it with non-appropriations legislation, such as a food safety bill that is a priority of many Democrats. Most CRs continue to fund programs at current levels, but Congress will write in exceptions, including some pitched by the White House. Obama could ask, for example, for more money for Defense Department programs. And if any of those exceptions include Democratic spending priorities, Republicans could balk.

Baucus, Max
Bingaman, Jeff
Brown, Sherrod
Brownback, Sam
Cantwell, Maria
Collins, Susan
Conrad, Kent
Dorgan, Byron
Durbin, Dick
Gregg, Judd
Hagan, Kay
Hutchison, Kay Baily
Kirk, Mark
Klobuchar, Amy
Kohl, Herb
Landrieu, Mary
LeMieux, George
Lieberman, Joe
Manchin, Joe

McCaskill, Claire
Murkowski, Lisa
Nelson, Bill
Reid, Harry
Snowe, Olympia
Stabenow, Debbie
Tester, Jon
Voinovich, George
Webb, Jim

Vote is expected Saturday morning

Make or Break DREAM Act
The next 24 hours will be the most important opportunity for grassroots activists to STOP the DREAM Act amnesty from passing in Congress. The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million undocumented young adults in this country. Vote is set for 10am in the Senate on Saturday, December 18, 2010. We only have one chance to stop this!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has filed a cloture motion (to start/stop debate) on the House amendment to the Senate amendments to H.R. 5281, the DREAM Act, setting up a cloture vote on the measure for Saturday morning, December 18, 2010. There will be 2 possible votes, but the first vote is the most important!
60 votes are needed to pass first vote – then only 51 votes to pass second vote and if it wins, the DREAM Act will go to the President to become law.
First things first! Let’s follow the lead of our friends at ALIPAC.
Everyone call Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell is the minority leader of the Senate. Call and explain your version of…
“I’m calling to tell Senator McConnell that every single Republican in the Senate had better vote NO ON CLOTURE for the Dream Amnesty tomorrow. We need all 42 GOP to vote NO. I am going to hold Senator McConnell, as minority leader, personally responsible for keeping Republicans together in opposition to this terrible Dream Act AMNESTY bill that would allow Obama and Homeland Security to give Amnesty to any and all illegal aliens according to the ‘waiver’ on page 5 line 21. Please let Senator McConnell know that Americans are counting on him to assure all GOP Senators vote NO on DREAM Act AMNESTY CLOTURE”
Call his DC office (202) 224-2541 and his Louisville office (502) 582-6304
Email Senator McConnell at
After calling the minority leader’s office, let’s all fall in formation behind the targets chosen by our friends at NumbersUSA. Please select from our suggested talking points and then call each and every Senator listed below. If you call through the list once, start at the beginning and call again! By calling using these suggestions from NumbersUSA we can concentrate our impact.

Call to say / or leave a message
“Vote NO on Cloture for the DREAM Act. Please vote NO tomorrow on the DREAM Act.”
“Please ask Senator _______ to vote NO ON CLOTURE ON THE DREAM AMNESTY BILL and tell Harry Reid that America wants Congress to come home for Christmas and end the lame duck!”
“Please ask Senator _____ to vote NO ON DREAM AMNESTY CLOTURE because HR5281 on page 5 line 21 allows Obama and Homeland Security to waive all requirements and grant amnesty to almost all illegal aliens in America.”

“Please vote NO ON CLOTURE FOR 5281 AMNESTY BILL because this bill will displace and replace millions of innocent American workers, students, and voters.”

From NumbersUSA for Lower Immigration Levels.


Encourage These 12 Senators To Stick With Leanings or Pledges To Vote NO

This is the group that we HAVE to win. Fortunately, they are all leaning toward voting NO and their staff may even be saying they probably will vote NO. But our allies in the Senate don’t feel absolutely sure of these votes. The dozen Senators are under enormous lobbying pressure intended to make them feel inhumane if they vote NO.

Give them quick phone calls to thank them for their intention to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty. And note that a key reason they are right is that DREAM provides zero enforcement to stop future millions of illegal workers from coming and taking jobs from hard-pressed Americans.

George LeMieux (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3041 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Tampa, FL ph: 813-977-6450 adr: 3802 Spectrum Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33612

Sam Brownback (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-6521 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Topeka, KS ph: 785-233-2503 adr: 612 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka, KS 66603

Susan Collins (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2523 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bangor: ph: 207-945-0417 adr: 202 Harlow Street – Room 204, Bangor, ME 04401
Portland: ph: 207-780-3575 adr: 1 City Center, Portland, ME 04101

Olympia Snowe (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5344 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bangor: ph: 207-945-0432 adr: 1 Cumberland Place, Bangor, ME 04401
Portland: ph: 207-874-0883 adr: 3 Canal Plaza – Suite 601, Portland, ME 04112
Max Baucus (D)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-2651 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Missoula: ph: 406-329-3123 adr: 211 North Higgins – Room 102, Missoula, MT 59802

Jon Tester (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2644 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Missoula, MT ph: 406-728-3003 adr: 116 West Front Street, Missoula, MT 59802

Kay Hagan (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6342 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Raleigh: ph: 919-856-4630 adr: 310 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27601

Kent Conrad (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2043 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bismarck: ph: 701-258-4648 adr: Federal Building, Bismarck, ND 58501

George Voinovich (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3353 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Columbus, OH ph: 614-469-6697 adr: 37 West Broad Street – Room 310, Columbus, OH 43215

Kay Bailey Hutchison (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-5922 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Austin, TX ph: 512-916-5834 adr: Federal Building, Austin, TX 78701

West Virginia
Joe Manchin (D)
Washington, DC
ph: 202-224-3954 adr: 311 Hart Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510

Judd Gregg (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3324 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Portsmouth, NH ph: 603-431-2171 adr: 16 Pease Blvd., Portsmouth, NH 03801

Pound These 3 Senators Up For Re-Election in 2012 Who Are Leaning YES on Amnesty

There is no logical political reason for these Senators to vote YES on amnesty . . . if the people of their states know what they are doing. All three of these have good tendencies in our direction on amnesty in the past. But they are acting like this amnesty is somehow different.

Your job with these Senators is to persuade their staffs that voting for an amnesty without any enforcement will definitely be a key issue in the 2012 elections during what all experts predict will be continuing high unemployment for U.S. workers.

All three of these are Democrats in states that swung heavily Republican in last month’s elections. A vote for amnesty might look like political suicide.

Debbie Stabenow (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4822 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Detroit: ph: 313-961-4330 adr: 243 West Congress, Detroit, MI 48226

Claire McCaskill (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6154 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Springfield: ph: 417-868-8745 adr: 324 Park Central West, Springfield, MO 65806

Jim Webb (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4024 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Richmond: ph: 804-771-2221 adr: 507 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219

These 3 Senators Do NOT Face 2012 Re-Election But Are On The Fence And Leaning YES

All three of these have voted with us against amnesty in the past.

Tell their staffs that you don’t understand how the Senator could oppose “comprehensive immigration reform” in the past when amnesty and enforcement were wrapped together, but now they are willing to pass an amnesty with NO enforcement.

Lisa Murkowski (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6665 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Anchorage: ph: 877-829-6030 adr: 510 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99501
Fairbanks: ph: 907-456-0233 adr: 101 12th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Juneau: ph: 907-586-7400 adr: 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99802
Kenai: ph: 907-283-5808 adr: 130 Trading Bay Road, Kenai, AK 99611
Ketchikan: ph: 907-283-5208 adr: 540 Water Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901
Wasilla: ph: 907-376-7665 adr: 851 East Westpoint Drive, Wasilla, AK 99654

Mary Landrieu (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5824 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Baton Rouge: ph: 225-389-0395 adr: U.S. Postal Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70801

Byron Dorgan (D and retiring)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2551 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bismarck: ph: 701-250-4618 adr: Federal Building, Bismarck, ND 58501

These 6 Senators Lean Strongly YES On Amnesty But Will Have To Face Voters In 2012

Most of these Democrats have had very little interest in hearing from us in the past.

But after last month’s cataclysmic results, these Senators find themselves in states where they could have a really competitive race in 2012. Thanks to all of you who phoned them today. Now, we need another round of calls telling them how much an amnesty vote Saturday will be like an albatross around their necks during the 2012 campaigns.

Joseph Lieberman (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4041 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Hartford: ph: 860-549-8463 adr: One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103

Bill Nelson (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5274 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Orlando: ph: 407-872-7161 adr: 225 East Robinson Street, Orlando, FL 32801

Amy Klobuchar (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-3244 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Minneapolis: ph: 612-727-5220 adr: 1200 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Jeff Bingaman (D)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-5521 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Albuquerque: ph: 505-346-6601 adr: 625 Silver Ave SW, #130, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Sherrod Brown (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2315 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Cleveland: ph: 216-522-7272 adr: 1301 East Ninth St., Cleveland, OH 44114

Maria Cantwell (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-3441 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Seattle: ph: 206-220-6400 adr: 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174

Herb Kohl (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5653 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Madison: ph: 608-264-5338 adr: 14 West Muffin Street – Suite 312, Madison, WI 53703

Denise Cattoni
Illinois Tea Party
Illinois State Coordinator

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